22 Haircuts for Black Men

When it comes to haircuts for black men, there are plenty of options to choose from. You can go for an eccentric style that exudes personality, or opt for something shorter and more refined for a discreet and polished look. The key is to find a cut that complements your style and demands attention.

Generally, when it comes to haircuts for black men, there is a focus on texture on top, along with attention to detail on the fade and contours. You can also create a unique look by tweaking the top or working with the curls in your hair. The fade can be treated artistically by adding geometric lines and designs to the cut.

To give you some ideas of what modern haircuts can look like for black or mixed-race hair, we’ve compiled a list of 22 examples that will inspire you to find your next signature style.

1. Waves + Low Fade

Waves + Dégradé bas

Worked with waves, the haircut has here, a finish that allows to have a progressive fade, and waves well aligned on the top. The haircut is perfect for very short hair, it gives the final look, a lot of freshness. At the same time, we also worked on the beard to have a perfect haircut.

2. 360 Waves

Waves à 360°

The 360° waves give this hairstyle a lot of dimension. This version must be sculpted with meticulousness in order to have perfect waves.

3. Skin Fade

Dégradé à blanc

This haircut allows to keep the little curls on the top. On the sides, we have a very high fade to white which lets perceive the scalp above and behind the ears.

4. Mini fro + Skin Fade

Mini afro + Dégradé à blanc

This perfect haircut has just enough length to bring a rounded finish to the fade. Add to that the work on the forehead where the perfectly traced contours.

5. Waves

Waves profondes

Waves are perfect when worked with depth. However, it is necessary to take good care of these wave effects. For this, you need a special comb for wavy hair but also, a frequent combing.

6. Short hair + Light fade

Cheveux courts + Dégradé léger

This haircut is ideal for very short hair and retro style. To keep the look, it is necessary to have the sides always short, but also, a medium fade and not too short.

7. Curls + Fade + Disconnected beard

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Here, the haircut is also short, but we must keep a small length at the top to have the curls above. As for the sides, they are worked in a fade in the form of an arc that fades to disconnect the beard.

8. Sponge twist

Sponge twist court

We have on this haircut, the same fade that disconnects the beard as the example seen above. However, we have more length on the top and a touch of sponge twist for the finish.

9. Fade + Disconnected Beard + Side line up

Dégradé + Barbe déconnectée + Raie

To get such a perfect haircut, the hairdresser had to use the principles of geometry. This allowed to have very subtle details on the finishes, admire the beard disconnected thanks to the Skin Fade.

10. Hi-Lo Fade

Dégradé Hi-Lo

This haircut is a cool haircut that is very trendy right now. On the top, we have a small afro well cut, quite long, on which we added a little coloring. As for the sides, we chose a High Fade with a wavy parting that ends behind the neck.

11. Frohawk + Dye

Frohawk + Teinture

Here, we take the example of Keion Carpenter’s hairstyle who is the former Atlanta Falcons defensive back. He chose a very bold color for the tip of his hair, with a finish frohawk rather short.

12. Curls + Temple Fade

Curls + Dégradé aux tempes

This haircut is a modern version of a retro style brought up to date. The Temple Fade is light and the contours are perfectly worked.

13. Fade + Big line

Dégradé + Grosse raie

This haircut is a combination of a high top on curly hair coupled with a large parting across the left side of the head.

14. Twist Curls + Line up

Twist Curls + Raie

This style allows to have an extension of the hair from the top to the back, close to the Frohawk.

15. Curls + Temple fade

Curls + Dégradé aux tempes

On this haircut, we have a fade at the temples, but also, a rounded shape for the contours at the nape of the neck. It is a perfect haircut for curly hair.

16. Straight Hi-Lo Fade

Dégradé Hi-Lo + Raie

We’ve seen versions of the Hi-lo before, but each has its own characteristics. Here we have a small afro on top, a High Fade starting with a big parting on the side. A style from the early 90’s which is coming back in fashion now.

17. Curved Flat Top

Curved Flat Top

The Curved Flat Top is a retro hairstyle perfectly adapted for frizzy hair. To achieve it, you have to start with a High Top, that is to say an afro with a High Fade on the sides, and perfectly flat hair on top, then you work the curve and finish with a parting that separates the top from the bottom.

18. Flat Top + Stair step

Flat Top + Marche d'escalier

This is another version of the flat top seen above. It’s a cool haircut and very popular because of its originality.

19. High Flat Top

Grand Flat Top

Here, we have a hair that has a lot of height, with a totally flat top.

20. Flat Top + Reverse fade

Flat Top + Dégradé inversé

This haircut is an improved version of the one above with the top that has a lot of height and very flat, but also, very original finishes on the sides, and a double V at the back. A very impressive haircut.

21. Long Curls + Line up

Longues Curls + Raie

This haircut is perfect for clubbing, you won’t go unnoticed. On top, we have curly hair of a consistent length. A fade is found on the side at the top and goes to the nape of the neck. Adds a parting to add style to this already amazing hairstyle.

22. Long Twists + Fade

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And finally, a haircut that combines many styles, we will notice that the fade ends with tips that give a very cool look to the hair.

Give your favorite hairstyle in comments, we will try to propose more in your favorite style.

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